Assessment is an integral part of every St Benedict’s classroom. It is the process through which teachers identify, gather and interpret information about student achievement and learning. Teachers use this information to report to parents and plan for future learning. Teachers collect information both during, and at the end of each term and semester.
St Benedict’s teachers use a variety of assessment tools including teacher observation, student/teacher consultation, focused analysis (examining specific details of student’s demonstrations of learning), data monitoring tools, formative assessment tools, standardised testing and peer and self-assessments. Through using a range and balance of assessment techniques our teachers gather valuable data for all their learners.
St Benedict teachers are committed to an open door philosophy. Parents are invited to contact their child’s class teacher whenever they have a concern and/or want more information regarding their child’s learning. For more information click on the Communication Policy link here.
There are many opportunities throughout the year for the curriculum to be communicated to parents/caregivers:
Parent Information Meetings
These are held at the beginning of each year. Teachers explain class routines and provide general information about the year’s programme.
Parent/teacher interviews are offered twice a year to report and discuss student achievement.
A summative report, which accompanies a portfolio of students’ achievements, is issued at the end of First and Second Semesters.
Class teachers send home regular class newsletters communicating information regarding their class and/or year level.
Sharing of Student Work
A portfolio containing student work samples and criteria sheets is collated and sent home each semester.
NAPLAN – National Assessment Program
If you are interested in more information about NAPLAN, simply click the link below: